The mission of the Illinois Watercolor Society is to advance the education and caliber of watercolor painting throughout Illinois. We hold monthly meetings and demonstrations and host two annual shows. We invite you to attend the next meeting and meet some of the society members, or to join us. All are welcome.
We are seeking people to assist the IWS Board. If you would like to help with the annual Members Show, IWS Facebook page, or IWS website please contact [email protected].
We are holding our meetings in person at:
Oak Brook Public Library
600 Oak Brook Rd, Oak Brook, IL 60523
IWS 41st National Show
May 1-31, 2025
Next Picture Show Gallery Dixon, Illinois
Juror of selection and Awards: John Salminen, AWS-DF/NWS-M/TWSA-DM
$10,000 cash awards including $2000 for First Place
Congratulations to all that were accepted into the show.
Lisa Arnold Franklin | Residentials |
David R. Becker | Bill Bailey’s Museum |
Larry Bond | Gates Fog |
Carol Brody | Purple Papers and Confetti |
Sandra Cedrins | Sunrise at Southport El |
Connie Clutter | Holding Back |
Elaine Daily-Birnbaum | When Things First Started To Fall Apart |
Ratindra Das | Around The Bend |
Madeline Daversa | The Eye Model |
Cheyenne DeMarco | Morning Sun |
Kelly Eddington | The Idea |
Fatima Figueiredo | Door County Autumn |
Ellen Fountain | The Distance Between Us |
Charles Frances | Waiting For My Coffeemate |
Jane Fritz | Spurious |
David Gardner | He Studies Her Hands |
Patricia Garey | Temptations |
Diana Garrett | Dress Rehearsal |
Aneita Gates | Wait…What? |
Raymond Grossi | November Solitude |
Janine Helton | Girl With Hazel Eyes |
Thomas Herzberg | Bride of Frankenstein |
Suzanne Hetzel | Playground |
Ann Hightower-Patterson | Translucent Reflections |
Catherine Hillis | Stripes |
Michael Holter | Rusty and Dusty |
Larry Hughes | Redemption |
Linda Hutchinson | Wonder |
Peter Jablokow | Scissor Bridge Square Hole no. 2 |
John James | James, John, Folding Over La Luna |
Juniper Jones | Cornish Hen, Spaghetti, Peas and Dressing |
Chris Krupinski | Dots |
Rebecca Krutsinger | Skyscraper |
Howard Kuo | Emperor Wears His New Clothes to My Art Show |
Alexis Lavine | Smoke Break |
Angela Liu | Dare |
Steven Lotysz | Portland Mist |
Kathleen Manning | WildFlour |
Madeline Grace Martin | On Fathers: Abdur and Saadiq |
Sam McFarland | #15 |
Robert Mejer | Impulse III |
Joye Moon | Lord of the Column Dancer |
Michael Moreth | Resible |
Vicki Morley | Lake Eola Wind Spinner |
Rosemary Morrissey | The Gathering |
Eileen Mueller Neill | On Top of Spaghetti |
Ann Pember | Glowing Gloxinia |
Trish Poupard | One Hundred Percent |
Lawrence Raffanti | The Ballett Recital |
Dorrie Rifkin | Downtown Blues |
Sonya Schuessler | Luna Park |
Patti Linden Seifrid | When Winter Comes a ‘Calling |
Diane Shabino | Made To Make |
Gabriel Stockton | American Flight |
Eileen Sudzina | Railroad Crossing |
Kathryn Wedge | Inside Out |
David Williams | Final Days of the Silver Dollar Tavern |
Jane Wise | Locked Out, Locked Down at Keurner Farm |
Donna Witty | Waiting For Class |
Kate Worman-Becker | White Heron |
David Zahn | Fragmented Singularity |
Yanqi Zhai | The Old Patriarch on the Plateau |
2024 Members’ Show
September 7 – 28, 2024
McCord Gallery
9602 W. Creek Road, Palos Park, Illinois 60464
Cover Art by Joan Bredendick, IWS 2023 Members’ Show Winner.