Mary Ellen Segraves Artist Demo—Saturday April 1, 2023, 2pm.
Open and FREE to the public.
Oak Brook Public Library, 600 Oak Brook Rd
You must PREREGISTER online at Oak Brook Library website.
Limited to 100. Click link.

From my first visits to the Art Institute as a child, I was drawn to the softness of the watercolor paintings as well as to the beauty and light of the Impressionists’ works. What I try to create are impressionistic watercolors – light, airy, soft. One of my instructors says that he approaches each painting as a problem to be solved, and I think it’s the same for me. How do I keep the light? How do I arrange the scene and the objects to create a pleasing composition? How do I convey the feeling with the least amount of detail? How do I get the “vision” that’s in my head onto the paper? I find satisfaction in the challenge.