Thomas Trausch Artist Demo—Saturday June 3, 2023, 2pm.
Open and FREE to the public.
Oak Brook Public Library, 600 Oak Brook Rd
You must PREREGISTER online at Oak Brook Library website.
Limited to 100. Click link.

“I have been extremely fortunate to be able to follow my dream of being a ‘fine artist’ and I thank God for this. My years as an artist have been about equally divided between the mediums of watercolor and oils, each with its own properties and end results. Always a challenge, making art allows one to explore more deeply and inevitably find out more about the maker, the artist. The process of painting is what the journey is all about … the resultant paintings are the mile markers along this wonderful road of discovery. It is and always will be … a thrill.”.
Thomas Trausch Artist Demo—Saturday June 3rd, 2023, 2pm
Open and FREE to the public.
Oak Brook Public Library, 600 Oak Brook Road
You must PREREGISTER at library website. Limited to 100.